Sunday, June 21, 2015

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

At in-service a few weeks ago, I snapped this picture of a few of my favorite things :)

1. Tervis

I have wanted a Tervis for years. I could never find one that was just"me" though until a trip to our local Academy. The instant I saw it, I knew it had to be mine!! Would you like one? Click here!

2. MacBook Air

I'll be honest with you. I really tried to avoid being an Apple Zombie. I fought hard; trying to convince myself that PC, was better, or that Windows Phones were better. I stayed out of the main stream for years before finally making the switch to the iPhone. I recently purchased the MacBook in January, after collecting Christmas money, selling clothes, getting cash for gift cards, and selling old technology. I was bound and determined! Check out was hilarious as I handed the cashier wads of cash, coupons, and cards- but there's no shame in my game! At the end, my out of pocket expense was less than $300. #winning

One of the best features for me is the AirDrop. Being able to directly send pictures to my computer after editing them in an app is such a time saver!

3. Professional Development &Team Planning

*Nerd Alert* I really do love learning and attending workshops. I take notes like it's nobody's business! On this occasion we were learning out to develop PBL lessons from another local elementary school. It was so awesome to be able to learn from teachers who are still in the classroom,  and essentially just down the road (or in this case, highway). 

As a new teacher, I am still getting to know my team and how they work together. After sitting in with them, I can't believe how lucky I am to be with such a creative, driven, and truly wonderful group of women. To Say that I am excited for fall is an understatement!

4. Chocolate

In the very back, in a little bowl, there is a variety of choices that our awesome principal sets out for us at every meeting. She really gets us. I would have to say that Reese's is my absolute favorite, but it's hard turn anything else down!

5. Sticky Notes

I don't think this needs much explanation...
*says silent prayer in gratitude to Romy and Michele*

There ya go! A few of my favorite things. What are the little things that make you happy?

Later Gator,


Blank Space

Ask to meet you. Where you been? I could show you incredible things. 

This incredible thing right here is my classroom.

My first classroom. 

My bare classroom. 

My OMG-I have to turn this into a real classroom classroom. 

My school district was approved to build a tornado rated wing to our campus. This is really awesome but that, along with installing a new sprinkler system, limit when we can get into our rooms. I hear they're really flexible but with teaching swim lessons, I can't get up there as much as I would want to. 

I was able to come in a drop off all my books, bookshelves, and other supplies. My hubby was pretty helpful, but I think he had ulterior motives (like being able to actually see the living room floor, couch, and coffee table). 

Hopefully I can get up there next weekend and put a dent in the process.

Toodles poodles,

Stop: Planner time!

Woohoo! I have been waiting all week for this and I finally did it! I purchased my teacher planner for next year!

As this is a teacher's blog, the need to justify my love of planners is moot. A teacher's affinity for any school supplies can be equated to my puppies and sticks.

All sticks are great. 

Some are better than others. 

They know where to find the best sticks.

 Sharing sticks with others *cough* students *cough* can be very difficult. 

(Aren't my fur babies just the cutest!?)

As a student, I didn't find my soulmate planner until mid-high school, and stayed brand loyal for a good six years. The planner and I worked wonderfully together, going from class to class, always by my side. 

Last year as an aide, there was a completely different story. My schedule, even when it stayed the same two days in a row, scattered me throughout the building. I was never anywhere long enough to use it like I needed to. My iPhone became my crutch. More often than not, my plans changed within hours and setting reminders on my phone was the only way I could keep it straight.

Thankfully I will have a relatively more stable schedule this year as a classroom teacher. And this requires a new planner set up!

I have been familiar with the lovely Erin Condren, but still wanted to explore. I quickly made my way to Etsy and found a some really cute printable options. That would be awesome being able to pick and choose pages...but I know me... And I'd probably mess it up without even realizing it. 

Oh wow, there's seven weeks in August? Better get to work! At least there's no September this year.

After cutting out that option, I found the wonderful, San Diego based PlumPaperDesigns and fell in love. Their planners are attractive, clean, and cute-but-not-cutesy. Perfect! 

Now, because I have to absolutely know that this is the right choice for me, I watched 46383 5 YouTube comparison videos

I love the Internet. If I were to ask the closest person in grabbing range to give me their opinion on which planner will complete my life, the look on their face would quickly answer it for me.
Honey, you need more than a planner. 
But the Internet will indulge your queries because someone somewhere is making then life altering decision as well, and was even kind enough to film it. Love you ladies, keep it up!

If you would like to visit my planner, as I will be for the next three-four weeks until it gets here, you can go here.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Just Keep [Teaching] Swimming

Or alternatively: "How to Have Someone Puke Down Your Swim Suit and Come Back for More!"

This summer, just like the past hundred six, I am teaching swim lessons. Typically, I'll spend 6 hours a day in the pool, and potentially do 96 individual week long sessions a season. That's a lot!

When I was a sophomore on the high school swim team, our special ed peers would come in on spring days to learn to swim. This was something set up within the school, I don't think with the highest of swimming expectations, but rather social. Despite this, Coach saw my potential and asked me to work for him that summer, starting over minimum wage.

And I turned him down!

And then realized, "Oh, it's more money and closer to my house, And I don't have to wear pants!"

"And I'll fall in love and meet my future husband there!"

Well, I didn't think that would happen.  But it did and that's a story for another time!

Learning to dive. Check out those nose bubbles!

As I approach my first year of teaching, I've been comparing how I want my classroom to run and feel and if that is a reflection of my swim lessons.

The major difference is the lack of true lesson planning. I have always felt that teaching was more intuitive, and this may be why. I've always had to decide on the spot, watch how it progressed and and then make another decision.

Next I would say that direct instruction definitely takes the front seat in the pool. I feel like I'm always forcing orders:
"Kick, Kick, Kick!!" 
"Put your face in!"
"Use big arms!"
"Don't drink the water!!"

I didn't realize this until I had a little girl come in who was already very comfortable in the water. So instead of giving her a play by play for how to do backstroke, I instead used guided questions. This allowed her to explore the effect she had on the water, and quickly she had "figured out" how to swim a new stroke!

This is something I saw my peers do so often in the classroom, so implementing it in the pool was a huge "Duh" moment for me, and I feel like I've opened up a new bag of tricks.

The biggest struggle for me, in and out of the water, is when the students simply refuse. I hear No, I don't want to" a lot, but I get it, swimming can be scary at first (and its more often the babies just saying their new favorite word). A big part of this comes down to trust and confidence. This is why I spend a lot of time making inside jokes with three year olds. The sillier I am, the less they think about water accidentally going up their nose It happens all the time, no big deal, just blow like a bull *cue laughter*

I'm hoping to instill that same culture in the classroom this year with Morning Meeting routines. Hopefully by building deeper relationships head on, the No's will be no more.

Do you find yourself using teaching methods in other aspects of your life?
I am guilty of sometimes using my teaching voice on my's not his favorite :)

Alright, time to go. Anyone guess where I'm headed? Here's a hint: it rhymes with swinning pessons

Monday, June 15, 2015

First Post


As a teacher, I am am constantly interested in what makes students better. My favorites bar is filled with teaching blogs, I have stacks of professional development books I'm reading, I listen to education podcasts in the car and on walks... you could say that I am taking in all I can in the education world. The current theme I find among all the buzz words is having students create. Create stories, projects, songs, etc. Wonderful! Awesome! Love it!

I feel though, that with all my consuming, am I creating anything?

This blog is set out to be a place for me to formulate, reflect, and create. I am excited to be producing something myself, and am interested in seeing where it takes me.